Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to Faizal's Blog

Salam for all.. Welcome to my blog. Sincerely, I don't what to write on my first post. Just want to introduce myself. So, my name is Muhammad Faizal, my friends just called me Peja. I came from Terengganu and currently study at UTM Skudai on computer science. Am I a little bit 'skema'? Sorry about that. To be honest, tomorrow I have a very tough day. Don't ask me why because I don't think that I have enough guts to talk about it. Talking about blogging, this 'thing' is already popular among internet users around the world but still new for me. I have a few blog before this but abandoned after a few post. I don't have any idea about writing.

Actually, this year is about to be my final year in UTM. Clearly, I want to think about getting a job and have my own money instead of keep begging for my dad after I have graduated. But, things got dirty since global economy is currently down and slow. My dad proposed to continue my study on KPLI to become a teacher. But teaching in school is not my primary objective. So, I have made my mind to futher my study on master. God knows I hate to be on class listening for 'brah brah brah' from the lecturers. This week only I have made my self invisible for four days straight. Hope this semester will be my last semester at undergraduate studies. God, please help me.

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